How does the iPad support student success?

A pencil is just a pencil until you write with it

ISTE Standards

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has long been known as the foremost organization supporting integration of technology in education. For more than a decade, they have been fine tuning National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for students, teachers and administrators. The ISTE website states,

"The NETS have served as a roadmap since 1998 for improved learning and teaching. They help measure proficiency and set goals for what students (NETS•S), teachers (NETS•T), and administrators (NETS•A) should know and be able to do with technology in education."

For more information about ISTE and the NETS, explore the ISTE app. Unfortunately, you will need to be connected to the network to be able to use the app. If you want more information visit the ISTE website (