
Example of ISO 200

I took some pictures of my little cousins. They are 8 and 10 years old and we went to a park in the middle of the summer. It was very hot outside, meaning the sun was definitely out, therefore - TONS of light was available to me. Having tons of light means freedom to put your setting where ever you want to get the desired effect. I set my aperture and shutter speed up to where I wanted them (in this case, my aperture was at f/2.8 to get tons of light through the lens and my shutter was at 1/250 of a second) and then I set my ISO to 200. I did not need a fast film speed because the girls 1) weren't moving and 2) had plenty of light on them. Here is the image that I took:

You can see how much more crisp and clear this image is when compared to the ISO 1600 image. Here is a close up so you can see the clear-ness even more: