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Turn in a slide show of at least 5 photographs that explore line, texture and pattern in the world around you. Use both wide angle and macro modes in your work.

Criteria for Success: Your work should show experimentation with composition, macro camera settings, wide-angle lens settings, use of depth of field to limit and expand focus, and use of photo editing tools as appropriate (crop, saturation, contrast, etc...)

lines 1 photoEye Candy! - We're looking images that will catch your eye. You'll find examples of lines, patterns and texture in everyday places. Use them to create strong images with lots of contrast.

In this photograph the window frame literally frames the image of the patterns on the roof. Using one object to frame another is a great way to add depth to your photos. Experiment with a frame that adds contrast in terms of light or texture when compared with your subject.

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Flowers and plants are a good source of color and light. To get in close you'll need to use your "Macro" setting on your camera.
CC: License - Paul Nelson

The macro setting will let you get within a few inches of your subject for extreme closeups. Most digital cameras have this feature so look for the icon in your controls. It looks like a small flower.

This photo by Taylor used simple objects. How many ways can you find pattern in this photograph? How many kinds of texture can you find? Use the macro mode of your camera to explore lines and texture in small objects and don't be afraid to create your own arrangements.

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A GREAT place to go for this assignment is the art room. Here's just one example from Perla's photostream on Flickr.

lines 3 photo This photograph uses objects in a line. You'll have to scout around for these images but keep your photographic mind's eye open and you'll find them!
Last modified: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 9:09 PM