You need a camera for this course and you must provide your own camera. The school will not provide you with one!

For the most part you can use any camera you already have. Having said that there are some assignments that require you to have settings that not all cameras have and having a camera that can do more will be more fun and exciting as you go through the assignments not to mention you will be able to do more with it in the future. If you can't afford a camera that has these options see if anyone you know has one you can use. It is better to save up for the camera you want then try to make do for now and then have to upgrade when you get board with the one you have.

Camera Requirements in order to participate in every lessons/assignments:
  1. You will need at least a 4 megapixel camera. We won't be printing these pictures out but you will want good quality photos when you crop pictures or zoom and blow up your photo. Also you will want at least a 1024 x 768 jpg photo for wallpaper on the computers.
  2. You will need a camera that can allows you to set the shutter speed (S mode).
  3. You will need a camera that allows you to set the aperture (A mode).
  4. You will need a camera that allows you to manually set the aperture and shutter for full control of your photos (M mode).
  5. You need a camera that has programed mode (P mode)
  6. Your camera needs to have a flash either built in or external.
If you have questions about a camera you already have, feel free to bring it in to me and I can tell you if it has all the functions you need for this course.

Optional Settings you may want to make assignments easier:
  1. You may want a camera that has a landscape setting.
  2. You may want a camera that has a portrait setting.
  3. You may want a camera that has a sports setting.
  4. You may want a camera that has a macro setting.
  5. You may want a camera that has panorama assist.
  6. You may want a camera that has night time or dusk setting.
  7. You may want a camera that can take pictures in black and white
  8. You may want a camera that has several color filter options.
Last modified: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 3:20 PM