Starting a Blog

We are going to create photography blogs in this class that will serve as photography portfolios for you. Your blog will be an awesome resource for you as a photographer - when people want to see your work, just send them over to your blog! It will also be helpful for others to go to your blog and leave comments on your images.

To get started, go to to sign up to create your very own blog!

When you go to the homepage, click on the link that says "Create your free blog."

Clicking on that button will take you to a form where you need to fill out your email address (Use your school email!), password, display name, and verify that you are indeed a person. Agree to the blogger terms and then click CONTINUE.

A screen will come up that will ask you to give your blog a title and website. You can name your blog whatever you want - keep it school appropriate. (you might want to put something in like "Joe's Photography Blog") You can also give your blog whatever website address you want. When you are done, click continue:

The next step will ask you to select a template/design layout for your site. Select one.

You will then be brought to the blogger dashboard. This is where all of the settings and changes can be made to your blog, including where you can go to post to your blog or view your blog.

That's it! You're done and you created a blog! Now all you have to do to start posting to your blog is click on "new post" on the dashboard and you will be able to post directly to your blog.

**Make sure to remember your blog URL, as you will be copying and pasting that link to moodle in order to turn assignments in from your blog.

Last modified: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 11:58 AM