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Effective Relationships
2.1 Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are almost always displayed when students work in pairs or teams to complete short-term or long-term tasks.
2.1.1 Understands teamwork and works with others
Students participate in cooperative groups or with a partner, contribute fairly to the task, and show respect to others.
2.1.2 Responds to customer needs
Students help fellow students understand tasks, find resources, and fulfill assigned roles (think of fellow students as customers).
2.1.3 Exercises leadership
Students participate as team leaders or effective team members in project assignments and organize work to meet project goals and team roles.
This benchmark is met through the Agile resources for benchmark 3.4: Systems Thinking.
2.1.4 Negotiates to resolve conflict
Students keep team members on track, suggest alternatives, and discuss options (can be as much about agreement as conflict).
This benchmark is met through 2.2.2 (Conflict & Compromise); Agile process outlined in 3.4 (Systems Thinking)
2.1.5 Respects individual differences
Students listen to and consider all team members' ideas, respond supportively to ideas given in class or in teams, and work well with all teammates.
2.2 Personal Qualities
Personal qualities are routinely displayed in students' everyday actions in the classroom — how they participate in lessons, communicate, contribute to the learning environment, treat their fellow students, and govern themselves.
2.2.1 Demonstrates responsibility and self-discipline
Students listen to and consider all team members' ideas, respond supportively to ideas given in class or in teams, and work well with all teammates.
2.2.2 Adapts and shows flexibility
Students adapt easily to different modes of instruction and different types of assignments.
2.2.3 Works independently
Students commit to time-on-task during class and begin work without fanfare.
This benchmark is met through the submission of other assignments.
2.2.4 Demonstrates a willingness to learn
Students are cooperative and noticeably engaged.
This benchmark is met through the submission of other assignments.
2.2.5 Demonstrates integrity
Students treat work assignments with respect in that work is either original or credited correctly.
This benchmark is met through the submission of other assignments.
2.2.6 Demonstrates professionalism
Students treat others and work assignments with respect. All ideas are considered and work is either original or credited correctly.
This benchmark is met through the submission of other assignments.
2.2.7 Takes initiative
Students commit to time-on-task during class and begin work without fanfare. This is also evident during teamwork.
This benchmark is met through the submission of other assignments.
2.2.8 Displays a positive attitude and sense of self-worth
Students contribute positively to the class.
2.2.9 Takes responsibility for professional growth
Students are active listeners, seeking clarification and understanding when needed.