Accommodations are available for a range of disabling conditions and often are classified into high tech, low tech and no tech. During discussions on accommodations, not only the disability area should be considered, but the requirements of the task(s), the desires of the user and the ease of use should be considered.
Accommodations should be matched to meet the need(s) of the student to allow for participation in the curriculum. Often decisions about accommodations are made without consulting the user - students will frequently choose lower tech or more easily accessible options to help them in the school setting, rather than immediately opt for high tech tools. Sophisticated, complex or high tech tools typically require training, set-up time and additional support to troubleshoot issues, customized programming or assist with set-up and use. Many students are served best, using a variety of tools which have been customized to a task.

Activity: Take time and EXPLORE!
The University of Washington DO-IT program (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) has compiled a very comprehensive resource, listing different disabling conditions, disability characteristics and possible accommodations to aid students.
Use this link to explore the range and variety of accommodations for different disabilities.

Additional information specific a student disability and compensatory tools can be gathered by contacting one of the many Minnesota rehabilitation agencies, such as:
Courage Center

Simon Technology Center at the Pacer Center

Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare
Last modified: Sunday, August 15, 2010, 9:32 PM