A participle is a verb form that is used as an ADJECTIVE.

It is a verb that ends in -ing, -d, -ed, -en, or -t.

Remember that an adjective modifies a noun or pronoun, so you will probably find the participle close to the noun or noun that it modifies.

Participles are ONE WORD. (pouring rain)

Participle Phrases include the one word plus modifiers. (blinking traffic light)

Example: Suzanne was a trained marine biologist for Sea World.

Suzanne was biologist

S-LV-PN trained is a participle that modifies biologist

train is a verb, but with the -ed it turns into an adjective, which is now a participle.

Example: Among the leading runners at Boys State Track were three from Dawson-Boyd. leading modifies runners

Last modified: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 6:51 PM