Keeping your camera with you

You can't take a photo without a camera!

Yes, part of being a good photographer is knowing how to take a good photo but the most important part is having something to photography in the first place. Therefore you should always take a camera with you. You never know when a good opportunity to take a picture will present its self.

I can't begin to count the number of times I saw something and wished I had my camera. Once, I was driving back from California at 3 in the morning and saw the biggest, orangest full moon, along with the creepiest tree that could have silhouetted that moon perfectly. I didn't have my camera with me and have always regretted it!

Another important thing to remember about camera equipment is to keep all equipment with you. There are people that will follow you around looking for an opportunity to steal your equipment. I was shooting a wedding up in Salt Lake a few months ago. Before I went, I was warned that there are people there who will watch you and see where you put your equipment, follow you to your car, and then steal it once you leave the car again! I was appalled! So, all day I kept my camera with me in plain sight. It was pretty inconvenient because it was so heavy, but it was worth it to still have the camera at the end of the day.

Last modified: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 12:01 PM