How to hold your camera

Holding a cameraYou want to hold your camera steady when taking photographs. This will help keep your photos from being blurry. If you can use a tripod, USE ONE! If you can't use a tripod, try to brace yourself/camera on a wall, tree, rock, table, etc. Look for things you can help to steady yourself before taking the photo.

If you can't find anything to help steady yourself then try to keep your arms close to your body and down. If you have a DSLR camera keep your arms against your chest with one hand holding the camera and one supporting the lens.

Common ways to hold a camera:

Support the lens with your left hand. Don't hold it tight just support it. Keep your left elbow tucked next to your body. Hold the camera with your right hand keeping your right elbow in a comfortable and steady position. Often this is close to your body. Place one foot slightly in front of the other and put some weight on it. Adjust your weight on your feet so you are the most stable.

Once you have your stance and you are holding the camera correctly gently press the shutter button halfway down to set the exposure/focus. Most cameras will lock the focus and exposure at this time. Now you can recompose you photo if needed. When your photo is framed the way you want take a deep breath and let it out half way and hold it. Once you feel like you are not shaking any more press the shutter release button the rest of the way down to take the photo. Don't move or breath until the camera is finished capturing the photo, this is usually when the picture preview comes up on the LCD screen. You can breath again. Now look at your photo and make sure it is what you wanted. Make the necessary changes and start over if needed.

Last modified: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 12:00 PM