Importing your images
Here are some tips and tricks for getting images from off of your camera onto the computer.
First of all, your camera has some sort of memory card where it is storing your picture data. That memory card looks something like this:
image source:
This is called an SD memory card - most point and shoot cameras have this type of card.
If you have a card reader, you can take your memory card out of your camera and place it into a card reader. Then you can open up your card reader software, copy the images into a location on your computer, and delete the images from your memory card.
All of your cameras should have come with a USB connector cable that goes from your camera to your computer. Here is an example of what that might look like:
image source:
If you don't have a card reader, you can plug the small end of this cable into your camera and the larger end of this cable into your computer.
To do this, plug the cable in to the camera and computer and then turn your camera on. The computer will recognize your camera as a device being plugged in and it will appear in "My Computer" as a storage device. You can then go to "My Computer" and copy the images off of your camera to a location on your computer, and then delete the images from the card.
These are the most common 2 ways of getting images from your camera to your computer. If you require assistance with getting images off your camera, please ask your instructor for help!
Last modified: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 12:02 PM