Topic outline
Topic 1
The activities in this session are to help you to become more familiar with Moodle as a student, and to take the opportunity for us all to get to know each other.Topic 2
Session 1: The Concepts of Teaching Online
In this session, you will be able to compare the online and traditional classroom learning environments, and to learn about how the Minnesota Online Instructor Competencies relate to teaching online.Topic 3
Session 2: The Tools to Teach Online
During this session you will investigate how a learning management system can enhance student learning. You will also investigate and use some of the essential features of a pre-existing online course.Topic 4
Session 3: Assessing Student Work
This week we will experiment with ways to make simple edits in Moodle, management of the gradebook and grading student work. We will also discuss the evaluation of student work in an online environment.Topic 5
Session 4: Student Progress and Communication
You will investigate the pedagogy of student pacing, and best practices in facilitating online discussions. We will also look into a variety of methods of communicating with students. These methods include using synchronous and asynchronous tools such as the message forum and elluminate.Topic 6
Session 5: Course Management
In this session, we will be discussing common issues associated with online course management, including copyright, intellectual property and academic honesty.Topic 7
Session 6: Course Wrap-up
In this final session, you will brainstorm how best to encourage student engagement, and finalize your own plans for working with students in an online course. As a final activity, there will be a face to face meeting to share ideas and to ask additional questions.