Topic outline
Google Doc version of this chapter. Can be downloaded as Word Dc, PDF, or ePUB. Click on File --> Download as then choose your filetype
This folder contains the entire chapter text, as well as versions of each section in the chapter.
Chapter 1 (Embedded Version)
This section displays the content as embedded objects within the Learning Management System (LMS). In this version, master copies of the content are embedded into the pages/activities. Users can download their own copies, but if changes are made to the master copy, then those changes will be reflected in other copies of the content. Users can still move content around, add their own activities/quizzes/forums as relevant to each section. This is a good option for content that is being piloted and still may be edited.
Chapter 1 (LMS Version)
This section displays the content within the Learning Management System (LMS). In this version, it is essentially a hard-copy. Users can download their own copies and edit as they wish, but if changes are made to the master copy, then those changes will not be reflected in other copies of the content. Users can move content around, edit, add their own activities/quizzes/forums as relevant to each section. This is a good option for content considered finished, and is better for accessibility purposes/navigation.