PART A: THE PODCAST'S SCRIPT. Write a script for your podcast that describes the OHS roles and responsibilities for Agency staff.

This part of the Agency’s OHS education program requires you to design and develop a Podcast that describes the OHS roles and responsibilities for Agency staff.

PART A: The Podcast's Script.

1. Refer to the resources below as a source for your podcast’s content.

2. Develop an entertaining and educational script for your podcast describing their OHS roles and responsibilities for the Agency's staff.

3. Upload your podcast's script to this Moodle for approval to proceed with Part B: Recording the Podcast.


1. Summary of OHS Responsibilities.

Summary of the responsibilities of employers and employees.

Employer Responsibilities

Identify workplace hazards; assess the risks, implement and review control measures to provide optimum safety.

Ensure legislative compliance.

Provide relevant information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors, and visitors, as appropriate.

Provide genuine opportunity for employee involvement and consultation on matters affecting their health and safety, rehabilitation and compensation.

Ensure procedures and processes are in place to minimise the impact of any work-related incidents.

Take a pro-active approach to providing effective rehabilitation for employees injured at work.


Employee Responsibilities

All employees are responsible for:

Follow health and safety procedures and protect own health and safety at work

Avoid adversely affecting the health or safety of any other person through any act or omission at work

Obey any reasonable instruction that may give in relation to health and safety at work

Keep the workplace clean and tidy

Identify any accident, unsafe situation or unsafe activity and report it promptly to your supervisor

Use equipment and tools in a safe manner

Work with other employees and management to help them keep their OH&S responsibilities

Not attempt to perform a new job without training and being considered competent to perform the job safely.

Not attempt to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Participate in an induction and sign off to show that you understand what is expected of you.

2. Example of an employer/employee OHS compliance checklist

3. Another example of a compliance checklist

4.Workcover NSW - What are my main occupational health and safety responsibilities? 
5. Click here to access ‘A Guide To Health and Safety In The Office Manual’.This manual provides guidelines on ensuring a safe and health workplace in the design and management of offices, work carried out in them, and the selection and use of furniture and equipment.

6. A summary of employer and employee responsibilities.