Note Taking

While You Read Dune…

1. Record

 Important or confusing details, questions you have while reading.

2. Question

 Are the characters acting believably? Are they consistent with their previous actions?

3. Clarify

 What is the author trying to say? What does he mean?

4. Envision

 Upload a sketch/drawing of characters, buildings, ships, vehicles, events, etc. (it's up to you how to create the image (Paint, Google Drawings [it's part of Google Docs], SketchUp, etc. You can link to images you post online (use Picasa with your Google Account.)

5. React and Reflect

 Opinions/comments/personal connections to what you are reading. How do you relate to the characters or events in the book?

You may also want to include: Chapter Summaries; important events; examples of foreshadowing; etc.

Your notes will be reviewed and scores updated after each section of the book is completed.