InterWeb2.0TubesNet.Com Assignment
Things are changing quickly. Some people are having a hard time grasping it all and how far they've fallen behind. Even though this video is a few years old now, it's still happening.
It's a well-known fact that watching things is fun. Enjoy!
Wesch, Michael. The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version). YouTube. Mar 8, 2007.
If you want an even more recent example about how this might be possible read How the Machines are Learning to Take Over.
The only thing left to make this even more enjoyable is to write about it:
Luckily there's a submit button just below for you to get it out of your system...
1. After watching this video, how has your understanding of the internet changed?
2. What can we look forward to in the near future relating to information and how we receive it?
3. How do you think this will affect the current gap in education as it relates to socio-economic status (i.e. what will be the disadvantage in this new technology for people too poor to have daily hourly constant internet access)?
4. Discuss your reaction to the following statement: The internet is learning and behaves in different ways taking in to account new information.
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