How does the iPad support student success?
The iPad is just another tool, how does it fit within educational standards? Let's also look at the International Society of Technology in Education's, National Education Technology Standards for Students and the Common Core standards.
A pencil is just a pencil until you write with it
You already know the Sunshine State Standards and now that you have explored the Common Core standards and ISTE's NETS*S standards, start thinking about areas where the iPad could be added to your "bag of tricks" to engage your students to high levels of achievement.
Consider, also, that our iPad lab includes a VGA connector that will allow you to display the iPad on your LCD projector, a camera connection kit and each iPad has a Smart Cover. For more information about these accessories, go to (
Take another look at ISTE's NETS for Teachers (ISTE app or Reflect on these questions:
- How can an iPad help you to meet the NETS*T standards?
- How can an iPad lab help you meet student standards?
- How can an iPad (or iPad lab) be used within your regular daily practice to extend, engage or inspire your 21st Century students?
There are 2 forum activities for this module. One will let you reflect on and polish a lesson you have already done using technology. The second forum will let you begin to think about a lesson where an iPad could enhance your instruction or engage your students. Reflect on your colleagues posts and support their classroom technology integration goals.