Use what you know...

You are the expert in your classroom. These are some supports to help you plan a lesson that will incorporate the iPad.

Pull it all together

Make a plan

It doesn't matter which template you use but plan something that you will look forward to incorporating into your plans.

  • It doesn't have to be a long term plan
  • Make it manageable
  • Don't hesitate to look on the web for inspiration

Try to use the iPad to write your plan using Notes or another app you found in your exploration of free apps.

  • Copy and paste the template using the directions at the top of the forms.
  • Using the Notes app and the onscreen keyboard may be challenging but give it a try... it does get easier.

When you have designed something you think you can use, copy and paste it into the forum titled "Share your plan".

Reflect on the lesson plans posted by your colleagues. Think about ways you could modify their plans to use in your own teaching situation.