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Welcome to Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google sites! This course was developed to help teachers implement student e-Portfolios with their students by using Google Sites and Google Apps for Education.
How this course works
You should begin each module by reading and listening to course materials provided for you. After you have completed that, you may move onto the activities. Preferably you should complete your primary post in the discussion forum first and early in the unit, you will also be required to provide responses to other recipients. Next you will move onto some hands on Google Sites activities as well as other activities to help you prepare/develop e-portfolio lesson plan components. Finally, you will conclude with a unit reflection in which you share the aspects of your learning for the week! Please note - your reflections should be last AND it is an indication to me that your assignments are complete and are ready for grading! There may also be short evaluations in which you evaluate components of this course.
Classroom Syllabus - It is imperative that you review the syllabus for this course! To review, use this link and it will open in a new window. You then can download it by going to File, Download as. Choose either PDF or Word format.
Classroom Expectations - Coming Soon
Ice breaker activity - Introduce your self to our discussion board! - Please take the time to introduce yourself to our discussion forum. Please include what you do and where you teach. Also indicate any experiences with portfolios (electronic or paper) and a memory from those experiences.