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Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites
Jump to: Course Description | ISTE Standards | Hardware/Software Requirements | Discussion Board Expectations | Course Outline | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Scoring Rubrics & Participant Performance |
Course Title: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites
Instructor Name:
Skype ID:
I prefer to be contacted via email. However, if more two way communication is needed, please email me and I would be happy to schedule a telephone call, Skype conference, or even a face to face meeting!
A. Course Description
In this course you will learn how to utilize Google Sites to develop student-based or classroom-based e-Portfolio’s as a an alternate form of assessment as well as to showcase student work. Learn what e-Portfolio’s are and discuss the benefits and uses of them as a teaching and learning tool. You will have hands-on practice using Google Sites to create an ePortfolio with best practice elements. Finally, you will evaluate your own courses to ensure that your students will have artifacts aligned to your course objectives/standards that are ePortfolio-ready! This course is geared towards teachers of students grades 7-12.
B. ISTE Technology Standards
This course is aligned to the following ISTE NETS-T standards:
I. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
II. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
C. Hardware/Software Requirements
- A Macintosh computer running OS 10 or higher, or a PC-compatible computer, Pentium II (266 MHz) or better, running Windows XP or higher;
- Microphone and speakers (or headset) providing Audio In and Out capability; Web cam is optional.
- Broadband Internet Access
- Hard disk space for downloading files and work in progress.
- Screen size is a minimum of 1024x768
- This course requires that you have a Google Apps account. If you do not have a Google Apps within your organization, you may also use your PUBLIC Google accounts. If you do not have one, you can sign up by clicking http://goo.gl/SdvxE
- Access to Youtube.com, vimeo.com If your district blocks Youtube or streaming video sites- you will not be able to see support videos.
- QuickTime v10.0 or higher -- required for displaying multimedia Web content. A free version of QT can be downloaded from Apple;
- Flash Player -- may be needed for some multimedia Web content. The latest version of the Player can be downloaded from Macromedia;
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or higher -- useful for viewing many of the course documents. The Reader is a free download from Adobe;
- Web browser -- FireFox v3.6 or higher, Chrome v9 or higher, Internet Explorer v8 or higher; can also be used to access online course materials. It is possible that under some conditions, browsers other than FireFox may not provide full functionality.
- Web Conferencing Software -- Skype.
D. Discussion Board Expectations
It is best to check log into Moodle daily to keep up with discussions and continue to feel connected to the course. However, because you are not on a fixed schedule it is up to you to develop the discipline and schedule the time to be an active learner in this environment. Get in the habit of posting your primary post EARLY in the week. This allows you to receive more peer feedback and have more time to respond to the ideas generated by the discussion. You will also be required to provide responses to other participants that incorporates critical thinking and incorporates good response techniques. Examples of good response techniques are:
- Ask participants a question that can not be answered with a yes or no
- Expand on the ideas presented
- Provide links to other resources available on the web
- Relate to the participants post by sharing your personal experiences
What is not allowed as a response techniques are referred to as “fly bys”. In which the person responds with a simple, one liner without much depth like “I agree!” If you agree with the context of the post, why? If not, why not?
E. Course Outline
You should begin each module by reading and listening to course materials provided for you. After you have completed that, you may move onto the activities. Preferably you should complete your primary post in the discussion forum first and early in the unit, you will also be required to provide responses to other recipients. Next you will move onto some hands on Google Sites activities as well as other activities to help you prepare/develop e-portfolio lesson plan components. Finally, you will conclude with a unit reflection in which you share the aspects of your learning for the week! There may also be short evaluations in which you evaluate components of this course.
Introduction to this Course
Date: (TBD) 1 Hour
Participants will familiarize themselves with introductory materials of this course.
Introduction Activities - Assignments |
Due: TBD |
Review Syllabus | It is critical that you review the syllabus completely! |
Pre-course Survey | Make sure you complete your pre-course survey |
Online Discussion | Introduce your self IceBreaker |
Unit 1: What is an e-Portfolio? 2-4 Hours
After completing these activities, participants will compare and contrast benefits of e-Portfolios and create an e-Portfolio using Google Sites.
Lesson objectives
Participants will:
- Compare and contrast benefits and types of e-Portfolios
- Develop course level learning outcomes using Blooms Taxonomy Verbs
- Create an e-Portfolio using Google Sites
Required Unit 1 Activities: | |
Review course materials | These materials will help you understand what an e-Porfolio is. |
Online Discussion | Respond to discussion questions in the Unit 1 Discussion forum and then reply to at least 2 participants’ discussion postings. Be sure to follow discussion rubric provided at the end of this syllabus! |
Activities |
Create learning outcomes for your class. Be sure to follow instructions inside this course. |
e-Portfolio Activity |
Journal – reflection | Please submit your reflection of the week and be sure to follow the reflection guidelines. |
Evaluation | See Course |
Unit 2 - Collecting 2-4 hours
After these activities, participants will examine classroom activities,lessons, and student motivation strategies to prepare for the implementation of student e-Portfolios.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Identify ways to ensure artifacts are e-Portfolio ready
- Review and discuss student motivation strategies
- Create an artifact map based on course objectives or standards
Required Unit 2 Activities: | |
Review Unit 2 course materials | |
Online Discussion | Respond to discussion questions in the Unit 2 Discussion forum and then reply to at least 2 participants’ discussion postings. Be sure to follow discussion rubric provided at the end of this syllabus! |
Activities |
Create artifact map. Be sure to follow instructions inside this course. |
e-Portfolio Activity | Post Map to e-Portfolio. Create a Google page that describes your short and Long-term goals. |
Journal – reflection | Please submit your reflection of the week and be sure to follow the reflection guidelines. |
Evaluation | See Course |
Unit 3 - Selecting 2-4 hours
After completing these activities, participants will understand how to create and publish artifacts using Google Apps and realize ethical and privacy issues when publishing information online.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Discuss pros & cons when moving students’ evidence of learning online
- Create artifacts using Google Docs.
- Publish artifacts using Google Sites
Required Unit 3 Activities: | |
Review course materials | These materials discuss how to effectively select artifacts, privacy issues and concerns when publishing online, the importance of emphasizing students talent and passions in education. |
Online Discussion | Respond to discussion questions in the Unit 3 Discussion forum and then reply to at least 2 participants’ discussion postings. Be sure to follow discussion rubric provided at the end of this syllabus! |
Activities | Create artifacts using Google Apps (follow course for details) |
e-Portfolio Activity | Publish artifacts to your Google Sites (follow course details) |
Journal – reflection | Please submit your reflection of the week and be sure to follow the reflection guidelines. |
Evaluation | See Course |
Unit 4 - Reflection 2-4 hours
After completing these activities, participants will produce reflection activities to collect student feedback on their learning successes, needs, and new learning opportunities.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Apply best practice artifact reflection techniques
- Construct plan for incorporating reflection in e-Portfolios
- Reflect on learning using Google Sites
Required Unit 4 Activities: | |
Review course materials | The materials provided in this unit promote the use of reflection while sharing useful student strategies. |
Online Discussion | Respond to discussion questions in the Unit 4 Discussion forum and then reply to at least 2 participants’ discussion postings. Be sure to follow discussion rubric provided at the end of this syllabus! |
Activity | Use the prompts in this modules activity to develop a plan to incorporate reflection in your students e-Portfolios. |
e-Portfolio Activity | Apply reflections to e-Portfiolio |
Journal – reflection | Please submit your reflection of the week using Google Sites Announcement tool. |
Evaluation | See course |
Unit 5 - Publishing/Directing/Feedback 2-4 hours
After completing this module participants will propose methods for recognizing and evaluating student work as well as their own work throughout this course.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Identify tools to evaluate and showcase student e-Portfolio work
- Discuss providing student’s quality feedback on learning
- Evaluate self performance in this course.
Required Unit 5 Activities: | |
Review course materials | The materials share evaluation tools and describe the importance of quality feedback on learning. |
Online Discussion | Respond to discussion questions in the Unit 5 Discussion forum and then reply to at least 2 participants’ discussion postings. Be sure to follow discussion rubric provided at the end of this syllabus! |
Activity | Practice giving quality feedback by participating in a Peer Review activity |
Self Evaluation | Complete the self evaluation activity. |
Course Evaluation | Please complete the course evaluation survey in Unit 5 of this course. |
F. Scoring Rubric for Participant Performance:
Units will open Sunday (before noon) but don’t actually start until Monday. Unit 1-4 - All assignments, except for the primary posts, are due by Sunday night (11:59pm) of that week. Unit 5 activities are due the night before our last face to face meeting. To get the latest detail - check the course calendar! This will also contain any synchronous events.
Activities and assignments in this course will be scored on the following scale:
Online Discussions
Discussion Board Rubric
By checking the discussion area often, you will become more engaged in the conversation – have time to ask and answer questions of your classmates.
Discussion prompts should be no more than 2-3 paragraphs.
Primary posts are due WEDNESDAY (11:59pm) of each week
Discussion Rubric
Does the primary post address all the elements of the prompt?
- Yes (2 pts) Partially (1pt) No (0pt)
Does the participant use clear reference to unit resources by using quotes/citations within the primary post?
- Yes (2 pts) Partially (1pt) No (0pt)
Has the participant replied to 2 or more primary posts?
- Yes (2pts) Partially (1pt) No (0pt)
Does the participant respond use effective response techniques when replying to other participants?
- Yes (2 pts) Partially (1pt) No (0pt)
Was the participant timely in his/her response (including primary post, responses to all that responded to their posts, response to at least 2 other participants)?
- Yes (4 pts) Partially (1-3pt) No (0pt)
Weekly Discussions
In this course, discussion is a critical component - I am not looking for a “regurgitation of facts” but looking for critical thinking of the materials each week.
0-12 points / Unit
e-Portfolio Activities
Set up the required learning activities each week in your Moodle course:
0-10 points / Unit
- Unit 1 – Creating your e-Portfolio (10 pts)
- Unit 2 – Uploading your concept map to your e-Portfolio (10 pts)
- Unit 3 – Using Google Apps with Google Sites (10 pts)
- Unit 4 - Incorporating Reflections in your e-Portfolio (10 pts)
- Unit 5 - e-Portfolio evaluation (30 points) (peer & self)
Supporting Activities
Each week we will investigate new tools for:
0-10 points / week
- Unit 1 - Learning Objectives
- Unit 2 - Concept Map
- Unit 3 - Resume, Google Presentation
- Unit 4 - Reflection Plan
- Unit 5 - N/A
Reflection - Weekly Journaling
Be sure to reflect on your learning for the week! This will be helpful for you to review what you have learned and help me, build a better course: 0-8 points / week
Weekly reflections are required throughout the course. At the end of each module you are to submit your reflections. Weekly reflections will focus on the concepts and themes discussed during the module. Your reflections should answer at least two of the following bulleted questions and will be submitted each week in the appropriate classroom drop box. To get an exemplary score on the reflection assignment I expect a minimum of 50 words per question answered.
- What was most useful to me in my learning process? What was least useful?
- Did I achieve my learning objectives in this week? If yes, what did I achieve?
- If no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?
- What did I learn about my own learning process during this module?
- How did my thinking about teaching change this week?
- Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications in other areas of my life? If so where will I apply this knowledge?
- How well did I participate in this week's discussion? Am I satisfied with my level and quality of participation?
- How would I evaluate my performance in class this week overall?
e-Portfolio Peer Review/ Self Eval - Your Final! 0-40 points
G. Bibliography and Resources: (complete list is located in the Resources section of the course)