Final Project: Flatland

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For the remainder of the semester we will be reading "Flatland" and working on a project associated with the text.

The project will be due in week 18. There will be a place to upload your assignment in that week. There are two project options available. You need only complete one option.


Option 1: Newspaper

Create a newspaper that would circulate in Flatland at the time the story was written. Click here to go to the instructions for the Newspaper option.

Option 2: How does Flatland relate to me?

Flatland was first published in 1884. At that time science had become stagnant, and there were very few new discoveries being made. Once the book was published, a new surge of interest was seen in all fields of science. What effect did this have on your life today? Click here to go to the instruction for the Relate to Me option.

Last modified: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 5:11 PM