Because he was a little dippier.
Hi! So, if you climbed into a rocket, where would you go first? Check out the Gravity Launch Game, to see if you even have the right trajectory! Once you are ready, take a Solar System Tour!
There are currently 8 planets in our solar system:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
Please visit the McDonald Observatory at the University of Texas and/or the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum to find out more about each of the inner planets:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
Once you have read about each of the inner planets, watch the video for each planet included in this section of the course. If you learn anything new while you are watching, pause the video and add it to your notes! Due to some embedding restrictions, for some of the following videos, you may need to click on "Play it on YouTube" for the video to work.
Last modified: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 2:07 PM