Ways to check spelling
Microsoft Word provides several ways to check spelling:
  • Use the AutoCorrect
    • This feature automatically fixes spelling errors without having to confirm each correction. For example, if you type definetely and add a space or other punctuation, AutoCorrect replaces it with “definitely”. AutoCorrect makes corrections based on the main dictionary and a list of built-in AutoCorret enteries (you can add your own words, proper names or short phrases to the dictionary).
  • Automatically check spelling (and grammar) as you type
    • As you type, spelling (and grammar) checkers check what is being typed. Possible errors are marked with wavy underlines - red wavy lines are spelling errors and green wavy lines are grammar errors.
  • Check for spelling (and grammatical) errors all at once
    • All text in a document is checked at once and each error/correction is then confirmed before it is changed. Many writers use this method as a final edit to a document.

Changing options within automatic check spelling

1. On the Word menu, click Preferences, and then click Spelling and Grammar.
2. Do the following:
To turn on or off automatic spelling checking, select or clear the Check spelling as you type check box. (The same thing can be done for the grammar checking).
3. To start checking spelling, just begin typing in the document. A red wavy line under a word indicates a spelling error. A green wavy line indicates a possible grammatical error.
4. Hold down CONTROL and click on a word with a wavy underline. The contextual menu (a window with a list of command options relevant to the spelling).
5. On the contextual menu, do one of the following:
a. Click the spelling correction you want from the list.
b. If you’re correcting a spelling and your word is not displayed, click Spelling (at the bottom of the contextual menu) to bring up the Spelling window with the more traditional options available.

You can edit spelling in the spell check windows or directly in the document. If you find the wavy underlines distracting, you can temporarily hide the underlines until you’re ready to make corrections in Preferences.
Last modified: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 11:07 PM