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Introduction to Grammar
MoodleShare Archive
MoodleShare English/Language Arts
Topic 3
Mr. Morton stars again, but this time with added e...
Mr. Morton stars again, but this time with added explanation of the subject and verb.
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◄ Eliminating Prepositional Phrases
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School House Rock presents Mr. Morton for a review of the parts of speech.
Review of the 8 Parts of Speech
8 Parts of Speech Pretest
Presenation on the Parts of Speech. You may also see a video for each part of speech.
Verbs: Understanding verbs is the beginning.
Grammar Review.
8 Parts of Speech Final Test
Quick Revew of Subject and Predicate ID
Subject and Predicate Pretest
Eliminating Prepositional Phrases
REQUIRED Assignment: Subject and Verb Identification
MORE Practice Identifying the Subject and the Verb
Subject and Predicate FINAL Test
Five Sentence Patterns
Review of the Five Sentence Types
REQUIRED: Writing Sentences for the Five Patterns
Suggested: Add your sentences to our Wiki
5 Sentence Patterns PRETEST
Sentence Patterns Revisited
Sentence Pattern Practice
Sentence Patterns FINAL Test
Introduction to Phrases
Prepositional Phrases
Appositives and Appositive Phrases
A Visual of Gerunds
Phrase Review
FINAL Phrases Test
Clause Explanation
Clauses Explained in Detail
Identifying Phrases and Clauses - Test Your Knowledge
Review of Clauses - Test Your Knowledge
Pretest on Clauses
Clauses Review
REQUIRED Clause Worksheet
FINAL Test on Clauses
Four Sentence Types
Sentence Structure Review - Quiz Yourself
REQUIRED: The Three Bears
PRETEST: Four Basic Sentence Structures
Simple Sentences
Compound Sentences
Distinguishing Between Compound Sentences and Compound Subjects and Verbs
REQUIRED: Complex Sentence Practice
REQUIRED: Compound-Complex Practice
FINAL Test on 4 Sentence Types
Fragments and Run-Ons Review
Identifying Fragments and Run-Ons (Practice Quiz)
Fragments and Run-On Test
Pronoun Problems
Pronoun Test
Interrupting Words and Relative Pronouns as Subjects
Common Agreement Problems
All You Need to Know about Subject-Verb Agreement +Quizzes!
Subject-Verb Agreement Test
Final Assignment
Final Project
REQUIRED Assignment: Subject and Verb Identification ►