Topic outline
Statistics (code of the subject 462E108)
The subject Statistics will provide you with basic theoretical knowledge in the sphere of statistical methods and procedures used by performing analyses on concrete data of economic or biotechnological character. Teaching of this subject is supported by standard software tools (especially Microsoft Excel 2003®).
The aim of the course is to provide a basis for understanding the statistical methods and their use in practice. Students will gain an overview of basic techniques needed for statistical analysis of economic and social data. After completing the subject, students will be able to perform routine statistical analysis using standard software tools.
prof. Ing. Zlata Sojková, CSc.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Faculty of Economics and Management
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
tel: 037/6414183, email:
Lecturer (lectures, practical lessons, examinator):
Ing. Martina Majorová
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Faculty of Economics and Management
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
tel: 037/6414813, email:
The course is being created VOLUNTARILY and it IS NOT an output of any project.
Cite as:
Martina Majorová. 2009. Statistics. [online]. [cit. yy-mm-dd]. Available at: <>.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. This well-known saying is part of a phrase attributed to Benjamin Disraeli and popularized in the U.S. by Mark Twain.
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. Japanese proverb.Good luck!
Topic 1
- Important documents
- Examples of online test and homework
- IMPORTANT: Do not complete the quiz or upload your homework here! They're just examples. Use the appropriate topic for doing so.
Note: Please, complete this file on your personal computer (laptop). After that, upload it as elaborated homework assignment via LMS Moodle (look for the label Homework under Examples of online test and homework). Thank you!
Topic 2
1 Data sorting
- Key words:
data (qualitative, quantitative), sample, population, statistical attributes, pivot table, contingency table, grouped frequency distribution, ungrouped frequency distribution, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency, relative frequency, cumulative frequency, cumulative relative frequency - Due to: Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 11 a.m.
Topic 3
2 Descriptive statistics
- Key words:
measures of location, measures of central tendency (centre), measures of variability (spread), measures of skewness, measures of kurtosis, percentile, quartile, mean, average, mode, median, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, coefficient of skewness, coefficient of kurtosis, boxplot, five-number summary - Due to: Tuesday, 3 November 2009, 11 a.m.
Topic 4
3 Theory of probability
- Key words:
probability, event, opposite event, complement event, certain event, conditional probability, cumulative distribution function, continuous random variable, discrete random variable, normal distribution, probability density function, sample space - Due to: Tuesday, 10 November 2009, 11 a.m.
Topic 5
4 Point and interval estimate
(inferential statistics)
- Key words:
estimate, confidence level, alpha, point estimate, interval estimate, population, sample, population parameter, sample statistics, sampling error, sample size, point estimate of mean, variance, standard deviation, interval estimate of mean, variance, standard deviation - Due to: Tuesday, 17 November 2009, 11 a.m.
Topic 6
5 Hypothesis testing, part 1
(inferential statistics)
- Key words:
hypothesis, null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, decision (do not reject the null hypothesis; reject the null hypothesis), type I error, type II error, one-tailed test (left-tailed test; right-tailed test), two-tailed test, test statistic, critical value, significance level, alpha, p-value, normal distribution, Student t distribution, independent sample, matched sample, hypothesis test about a population mean, hypothesis test about the difference between means of two populations, paired two sample for means - Due to: Monday, 23 November 2009, 6 p.m.
Topic 7
6 Hypothesis testing, part 2
(inferential statistics)
- Key words:
hypothesis, null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis,decision (do not reject the null hypothesis; reject the null hypothesis), type I error, type II error, one-tailed test (left-tailed test; right-tailed test), two-tailed test, test statistic, critical value, significance level, alpha, p-value, hypothesis test about a population variance, hypothesis test about the variances of two populations, two sample assuming equal variances, two sample assuming unequal variances
- Due to: Monday, 30 November 2009, 6 p.m.
You can find the materials "Summary to Hypothesis testing (inferential statistics)" and "Interesting web pages related to Hypothesis testing (inferential statistics)" in the previous topic "Hypothesis testing - part 1 (inferential statistics)".
Topic 8
7 Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Chi-square test for independence
- Key words:
hypothesis test, more than two mean values, analysis of variance, decomposition of variability, total variability, variability between groups, variability within groups, residual variability, F distribution, factor, Chi-square distribution, observed (empirical) frequencies, expected (theoretical) frequencies, qualitative data, contingency table, strength of a relationship - Due to: Monday, 7 December 2009, 6 p.m.
Topic 9
8 Linear regression and correlation analysis
- Key words:
scatter plot, independent variable, dependentvariable, linear pattern, residual plots, positive correlation, negative correlation, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, observed values, predicted values, outliers, influential points, ordinary least squares method, line of best fit, parameter estimate, slope, intercept, simple (multiple) regression analysis, power of model, model building
- Due to: Monday, 14 December 2009, 6 p.m.
- This topic
Topic 10
9 Course summary
- Key words:
summary, conclusion, feedback, questionnaire, project
Get feedback from students through anonymous online questionnaires for the assessment of the subject Statistics and provide an opportunity for the submission of projects developed by students as a prerequisite for passing the exam in Statistics.
Project in Statistics- Due to: Friday, 8 January 2010, 6 p.m.