Global Warming Research

Click on the link below to go to the following website. Then, using that website, answer the following questions. The section headings match up with the links on the website. Please copy and paste all sections into your text box.

Global Warming Website

Global Warming: What is it? (main page)
1. What does global warming mean?

2. What are the possible effects of a warmer Earth?

Greenhouse Effect
3. In a greenhouse, glass panels tra in heat. What traps in heat in the Earth's atmosphere?

4. Name 3 greenhouse gases?

5. Watch the animation on the greenhouse effect and take the quiz at then end. What was your score?

Climate's Come a Long Way
6. How much has the Earth warmed over the last 100 years?

7. What do some scientists think is the reason for melting glaciers?

Can We Change the Climate?
8. What are fossil fuels?

9. What happens when we burn fossil fuels?

10. Name 3 things that you do every day that send greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

So What's the Big Deal?
11. What effect might global warming have on sea level?

12. What effect might global warming have on crops and food supply?

We Can Make A Difference!
13. List 10 things that you and your family can do to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and slow global warming.