Acitivity 1 - e-Portfolio (embed embed embed)
Tasks for Unit 3
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Reflect | Evaluate
Activity 1 – In the following tasks you are going to practice embedding from Google Docs and Youtube. It is CRITICAL that you introduce each artifact you create by giving the audience a brief summary of what they will soon be watching.
Task 1: Convert your resume to Google Docs and embed it on a NEW Google Site page.
Convert your resume to a Google Doc. Be sure that you give it the right permissions. Create a new page and embed it the doc.
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Task 2: Select subject appropriate YouTube video and embed it on a NEW Google Site page.
Many teachers have projects that require students to create videos. While we do not have enough time in this course to CREATE videos, it is important for you to understand how to embed a YouTube video into a Google site. Go to, and find a video that is useful in your subject/content area. Create a page on your ePortfolio for this artifact. Introduce your video and then embed the video underneath that caption.
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Task 3: Create a Google presentation and embed it on a NEW Google site page.
In this activity you are to create a simple Google Presentation and embed it onto your e-Portfolio. It should at a minimum have 4 slides – Title, Education (include college logo – and highlights), Family, and Hobbies. Be sure to introduce your presentation and then embed it underneath that caption.
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PLEASE NOTE - You are not going to be graded on the quality of your presentations or other documents. You are going to be graded on the process of selecting and embedding your artifacts. Do not waste time on making a presentation or resume “perfect” – that is for another class another time..