Tasks for Unit 3
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Reflect | Evaluate
Unit 3 - Selecting
Selecting is the phase during which your students sort through the larger set of available material and begin selecting good examples of work as well as samples that highlight their skills and talents!
- Artifact Selection, from Create My Learning e-Portfolios by CityU ePortfolio Team in 2010. This describes the process of creating good artifacts to highlight on the students e-Portfolio.
- This web page, e-Porfolio Ethics and Privacy was developed by adjunct professor and e-Porfolio Coordinator Kati Lewis (Salt Lake Community College). It describes some ethical and privacy issues when students publish online information.
Some other suggestions for Teachers
- You need to know and understand privacy controls in Google Sites.
- Students should not, I repeat NOT, put personal information like phone numbers and addresses online!
- Don’t share the whole class list of ePortfolio URLs with all students in class.
- When pairing students to share their ePortfolios with each other, allow students with privacy concerns to opt out of that part of the assignment.
- Just as you wouldn’t share a student’s grades with someone else, don’t give out ePortfolio URLs to a student’s friends, parents, reporters, etc.
- Assignments that require students to reveal personal information might not be the best signature assignments. Give students a choice between that kind of assignment and another regarding which to put in the ePortfolio. (http://www.slcc.edu/gened/eportfolio/FacEPortfolioManual.pdf)
In this Ted Talk, Sir Ken Robinson discusses the need for a learning revolution in which we move from an industrial education but to a model that flourishes our students individual talents and passions. (length 16:48 - please note there is a commercial AFTER the presentation that is NOT required for you to watch) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LelXa3U_I
Last modified: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 9:30 AM