Peer Review Activity
Tasks for Unit 5
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Collaboration and feedback are part of a social learning process which centers on communication and can support assessment for learning. The process can involve learners, peers, teachers, employers, and parents.
You will be providing constructive feedback to one of your Peer's e-Portfolio. This activity is to help evaluate critical components of the e-Portfolio and also practice giving GOOD constructive feedback.
Peer Review Activity
Task 1 - Pair up and evaluate each others e-portfolio by submitting Google Form below.
You will need to add the participant as a contributor to your e-Portfolio site. You may speak to your partner to see if there are artifacts they would prefer to use over others. (email) You will want to give each other deadlines of when the e-Portfolio is ready to review.
You are to evaluate 3 artifacts as well as the navigational, technical, and overall layout of the e-Portfolio. Please complete and submit the form below.
Task 2 - Provide at least 3 comments on your partners e-Portfolio.
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