Final Reflection
Time for your final reflection! For this culminating activity, take some time to think about and answer the following three questions. In doing so, reflect back on some of the ideas and concepts you've covered in the course.
1. Write about something in the course that challenged your thinking or your approach to teaching.
2. Write a paragraph about something that you want to put in practice.
3. Some of the concepts in the course are mindsets, or ways of thinking, rather than specific actions to take. With that in mind, is there something from the course relating to your capacity as a culturally responsive educator and your belief about your students’ capacity to learn, that you'd like to make a part of your teaching as you go forward? This is something, in essence, that you want to keep in mind all the time as you teach.
When you're ready to submit your final reflection, follow the instructions below.
Click on the "Add Submission" button below.
Type your answer in the text field.
Click on "Save Changes."
 When you're finished with this continue on to view some additional resources before we end the course.