Topic outline
Welcome to Supporting School Dependent Learners!
Welcome to Supporting School-Dependent Learners! In this module, you'll learn ways to support students whose complete learning is often dependent on the support they get from their school communities. The module will take 3-4 hours to complete, and can be worked through at your own pace over multiple sessions. Just return where you left off and pick up again.
The module has numerous activities and reflections to strengthen the learning and reinforce concepts, so be ready to do some thinking as you work through the lessons.
We hope you enjoy the course! Watch the welcome video to get started!
After you've watched the video, complete the following sections in order.
This PD Module on Supporting School-Dependent Learners by Intermediate District 287 was funded by a Student Success and Academic Enrichment grant from the Minnesota Department of Education under Title IV and is Creative Commons Licensed CC BY NC.