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Grade 8 Global Studies
Social Studies
Grade 8 Global Studies
South & Central Asia
Lesson 1 - Part 3: Where is everyone and why do yo...
Lesson 1 - Part 3: Where is everyone and why do you live there? Assignment
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◄ Lesson 1 - Part 2: Where is everyone and why do you live there? Assignment
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About this Course/Attribution
Course Glossary
Course Preamble
Global Studies Frequently Asked Questions
MN Global Studies Standards
English/Language Arts Standards
Global Studies Standards by Unit
MN Alliance for Geographic Education Standards Integration Document
Moodle Course Computer Requirements
Overview Unit "I CAN" Statements
Global Studies 8 Overview Unit Vocabulary Preview Form
Global Studies Overview Unit Flashcards
Lesson 1: What do they really mean? Information
Lesson 1: What do they really mean? Assignment
Lesson 2: The Democratic Process
Lesson 3: Creating a Classroom of Respect Assignment
Lesson 4: What is perspective? Assignment
Lesson 5: Fact and Opinion....what's the difference? Information
Lesson 5: Fact and Opinion... what’s the difference Quiz
Lesson 5: Fact and Opinion Reflection Assignment
Lesson 6: Mental Maps Assignment
Lesson 7: Civic Discussion Assignment
Lesson 8: Economic Systems Assignment
Lesson 9: Government Types and Systems Assignment
Lesson 10: PACED Decision Making Assignment
Lesson 11: Factors of Economic Growth Assignment
Lesson 12: Geographic Information and TODALSS
Lesson 12: Geographic Information and TODALSS Assignment
Lesson 13: Geographic Inquiry
Lesson 14: Geographic Resources Information
Lesson 14: Geographic Resources Assignment
Lesson 15: Historical Inquiry Assignment
Austrailia/Oceania "I CAN" Statements
Quizlet set for Reviewing Vocabulary
Lesson 1: Introduction to Australia and Oceania Assignment
Lesson 2: What and Where? Assignment
Lesson 3: Physical and Natural Resources Assignment
Lesson 4: Cultural and Human Characteristics Assignment
Lesson 5: Connecting physical and human/cultural characteristics
Lesson 6: Using GIS to answer a question
East & SE Asia "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1: Introduction to East and Southeast Asia
Lesson 1: Settlement Patterns Assignment
Lesson 1: Natural Disasters Assignment
Lesson 2: Settlement Patterns and Cultures
Lesson 2: Settlement Patterns Assignment 2
Lesson 2: East and Southeast Asia Geographic Assignment
Cultures & Norms
7 Components of Culture Presentation
Lesson 2: Cultures Assignment
Lesson 3: Civic Discussion Assignment
Lesson 4: Economic Systems and Trade
Lesson 4: A Day in the Life Assignment
The Island Game Instructions
Lesson 4: Evaluation of Your Island Economy Assignment
Lesson 4: China Assignment
Lesson 4: Is China the Next Superpower? Assignment
What is GDP?
Lesson 4:GDP Rankings Assignment
Lesson 4: GDP Focus on China Assignment
Lesson 4: Pacific Rim Countries Economic Growth Assignment
Lesson 5: Human Rights
Lesson 5: Human Rights Assignment
Lesson 5: Human Rights Watch Assignment
Lesson 5: Human Rights Violation Assignment
South & Central Asia "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1 - Part 1: Where is everyone and why do you live there? Assignment
Lesson 1 - Part 2: Where is everyone and why do you live there? Assignment
Lesson 2: Religion Assignment
Lesson 3: Comparing and Contrasting Religions
Lesson 4: India Caste System Debate
North Africa and Southwest Asia "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1: Introduction Assignment
Lesson 2: North Africa and Southwest Asia Map Assignment
Lesson 3: Life in North Africa and Southwest Asia Assignment
Quick Quiz 1
Lesson 4: It's All About Oil and Water
Lesson 4: The Water Crisis
Lesson 4: Water Map Assignment
Lesson 4: The Importance of Oil Assignment
Lesson 4: Oil Graph and Review Questions Assignment
Lesson 5: Progress, Developments, and Conficts
Lesson 5: How it got this way Assignment
Lesson 5: Share and Compare Reflection Assignment
Lesson 5: Religion Jigsaw
Lesson 5: WebQuest Assignment
Lesson 5: The Arab Spring Assignment
Lesson 5: Arab Spring Gallery Walk Assignment
Lesson 5: Follow-up Activities Rubric
Lesson 6: Technology and Media Introduction Assignment
Lesson 6: Civic Discussion Assignment
Lesson 7: It's All About Human Rights Assignment
Lesson 7: Relating Rights to the Region
Lesson 8: Women's Rights Venn Diagram Assignment
Quick Quiz #3
Sub-Sahara Africa "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Africa South of Sahara
Africa: Physical Geography Article
Lesson 2: On the Move Assignment
Why Do People Migrate Reading
Lesson 3: Population
Lesson 3: How many people are in Africa? Assignment
Lesson 4: Language Assignment
Lesson 5: Cultural Identity Assignment
Lesson 6: Population Density Assignment
Lesson 7: Foreign Assistance Assignment
Lesson 8: Economy Assignment
Lesson 9: GDP and Standard of Living Assignment
Lesson 10: Creation of South Sudan Assignment
Lesson 11: Colonialism to Independence Assignment
Lesson 12: AIDS Assignment
Europe/Russia "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1 Overview
Lesson 1 Activity 1: Europe Map Assignment
Lesson 1: Activity 2: Physical and Human Geography
Lesson 1: Activity 3: MapMaker Assignment and Discussion
Activity 3- Forum
Lesson 1: Activity 4: European Features Project
Lesson 2 Overview
Lesson 2: Activity 1: Ethnic Groups Assignment
Activity 1- European Ethnic Groups Wiki
Lesson 2: Activity 2: Europe's Aging Population Assignment
Activity 2- Video Reaction Forum
Activity 2- Reaction to the impact of an aging population
Lesson 3 Overview
Lesson 3: Activity 1: The European Union Assignment
European Union Introduction Video Reaction
Lesson 3: Activity 2: Understanding the EU Assignment
Lesson 3: Activity 3: Population and GDP Changes Assignment
Lesson 4
Lesson 4: Activity 1: Comparing Democracy and Communism Assignment
Activity 1- Communism and Democracy Discussion
Lesson 4: Activity 2: Understanding the Soviet Union Assignment
Activity 2- Understanding the Soviet Union Wiki
Lesson 4: Activity 3: From Soviet to Independence Assignment
Latin America "I CAN" Statements
Unit at a Glance
Lesson 1: Why Latin America? Assignment
Lesson 2: Physical Geography Assignment
Lesson 3: Map Distortions and Population Cartograms Assignment
Lesson 4: Part I A Blending of Peoples Assignment
Lesson 4: Part II Early Human Settlement Patterns Assignment
Lesson 5: Present Day Population Patterns Assignment
Lesson 6: Brasilia-- A Planned City Assignment
Lesson 7: Latin America Today Assignment
Lesson 8: What is Globalization? Assignment
Student definitions of globalization
Lesson 9: NAFTA: Does the North American Free Trade Agreement really promote free trade? Assignment
Lesson 10: Bay of Pigs Invasion vs. Cuban Missile Crisis Assignment
Lesson 11: Part I: Closing the Gap Assignment
Lesson 11: Part II: Investigating Data Assignment
Lesson 11: Part III: Life in Haiti Assignment
Lesson 12: Part I: Soccer Until Dusk Assignment
Lesson 12: Part II: Violence in Brazil
Lesson 13: Amazon Awakening
Lesson 14: Amazon Rain Forest
US/Canada "I CAN" Statements
LESSON 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Physical Features and Settlement Patterns
Lesson 1: Physical Features Assignment
Lesson 1: Settlement Patterns Assignment
Lesson 1 Resources
LESSON 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Cultural Characteristics and Settlement Patterns
Lesson 2: Cultural Characteristics Assignment
Lesson 2: Resources
Lesson 2: How do settlement patterns affect cultural characteristics? Assignment
Lesson 3: NAFTA Information
Lesson 3: Cause/Effect NAFTA Assignment
Lesson 3: Outsourcing Writing Assignment
Lesson 3: Effects of Outsourcing Assignment
Lesson 3: NAFTA Assignment
Research/Theme Unit "I CAN" Statements
Lesson 1 - Geographic Questions Assignment
Lesson 2: Researching Your Topic Assignment
Lesson 3: Geographic Research Planning and Organization Assignment
Lesson 4: Thesis Writing/Thesis Development Assignment
Lesson 5: In-text Citation Assignment
Lesson 6: Research Day
Lesson 7: Research Day
Lesson 8: Works Cited Assignment
Lesson 9: Project Draft Assignment
Lesson 10: Project Draft Assignment
Lesson 11 - Peer Editing
Lesson 12 - Project Revision - Final Project
Lesson 13: Research Project and Presentation Grading
Lesson 2: Religion Assignment ►