READ: Mitosis


2. Introduction- Chromosomes and Mitosis

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Chromosomes and Mitosis

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Lesson Objectives

  • Describe chromosomes and their role in mitosis.
  • Outline the phases of mitosis.


&\mathbf{anaphase} & &\mathbf{centromere} & &\mathbf{chromatid} \\ &\mathbf{chromatin} & &\mathbf{chromosome} & &\mathbf{gene} \\ &\mathbf{homologous \ chromosomes} & &\mathbf{metaphase} & &\mathbf{prophase} \\ &\mathbf{telophase}


In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus divides before the cell itself divides. The process in which the nucleus divides is called mitosis. Before mitosis occurs, a cell’s DNA is replicated. This is necessary so that each daughter cell will have a complete copy of the genetic material from the parent cell. How is the replicated DNA sorted and separated so that each daughter cell gets a complete set of the genetic material? To understand how this happens, you need to know more chromosomes.

CK-12 Foundation, Biology.