Unit 4 - Discussion
Tasks for Unit 4
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Reflect | Evaluate
Unit 4 Discussion
According to Dr. Helen Barrett, "Reflection is the Heart and Soul of an e-Portfolio". It is critical that you encourage and incorporate reflective activities to help students think critically of about their learning. As, they begin to select their artifacts, they need to think (or be encouraged to think) about their learning.
In this discussion, you are going to practice reflecting on your learning based on an artifact you have created for this course. It can be any one of the assignments, discussions, or reflections you have completed thus far. You will cross post this reflection with the discussion forum AND your e-Portfolios.
- Open a new Google Doc to complete this first portion (task 1). Be sure to embed it to your current e-Portfolio.
- Identify Artifact - First state the artifact you will be using in this example. (ie, Unit 2 concept map, Google Presentation, Google Site, Unit 3 discussion)
- What? - (Reporting what happened, objectively). Without judgment or interpretation, participants describe in detail the facts and event(s) of the experience.
Question prompts: What happened? What did you observe? What goal, learning objective, or standard is being addressed? What were the results of the project? What events or “critical incidents” occurred? What was of particular notice? How did you feel about that? - So What? (What did you learn? What difference did the event make?) Participants discuss their feelings, ideas, and analysis of the experience.
Question prompts : Did you learn a new skill or clarify an interest? Did anything about your learning surprise you? How is your experience different from what you expected? What struck you about that? How was that significant? What impacts the way you view the situation/experience? (What lens are you viewing from?) What do the critical incidents mean to you? How did you respond to them? What did you like/dislike about the experience? - Now What? (How will you think or act in the future as a result of this experience?) Participants consider broader implications of the experience and apply learning.
Questions prompts: What kinds of activities are currently taking place in the community or in your practice related to this project? What contributes to the success of projects like this? What hinders success? What learning occurred for you in this experience? How can you apply this learning? What would you like to learn more about, related to this project or issue? What follow-up is needed to address any challenges or difficulties? What information can you share with your peers? If you were in charge of the project, what would you do to improve it? If you could do the project again, what would you do differently?
After you have created the reflection on your artifact, copy/paste it to the discussion board. Be sure to include your thoughts on the reflective process you have just went through (What, So What, Now What). What opportunities or challenges will this have for you as a teacher and/or your students?
After submitting your post - you are to respond to 2 other posts.
Click "Add a new discussion topic" to begin (below).
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