Application of 21st Century Skills

Create a post that describes a unit of study that would include the 21st century skills that you identified in the last assignment. This doesn't have to be a detailed explanation of every lesson in the unit of study. Just tell the types of activities you would choose and how they help with the development of those skills that are important for the 21st century workplace. Reply to two other teacher's posts. Your reply should offer some substantive information. Perhaps you can offer a website or some other resource the teacher could use or an idea for an activity that students would enjoy. Keep your comments positive. We also need to accept that comments are made because they are a required part of this activity and could start with the phrase, "I think your ideas are very good, but Jamie is making me add something so here is an idea." All suggestions should be viewed as helpful suggestions and not criticism. Please do not take offense to anything, I know that no offense is intended.

Conduct some research to find how others are addressing 21st century skills and see if you can incorporate their ideas into your unit of study.
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