Tasks for Unit 4
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Reflect | Evaluate
Reflection is a critical process which supports the creation of an e-portfolio. The process can lead to deeper learning through self-reflection and the outcomes inform planning, goal-setting (short and long term) and future reflection. Reflection develops a range of skills which underpin personalized learning including self-assessment and critical thinking. Reflection can also be a collaborative process. Tools supporting reflective practice include blogs and wikis which can be drawn together with other forms of evidence into an e-portfolio to provide a holistic picture of the individual learner. (JISC, 2009)
Task 1 - Review the readings and the resources provided for you to learn more about incorporating and assessing your students reflective works.
Readings -
- A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking For Students, Teachers, and Principals (Part I) by Peter Pappas, January 04, 2010
- Useful strategies to support student review and reflection by the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, n.d. - Please note, this is an EXCELLENT resource to help guide you in developing reflective activities!
Resources -
Assessment FOR Learning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BFGwg9vGJc) 6:21- This video is a compilation of a speech given by Rick Stiggens and commentary given by Douglas Mauger. As you watch the video, think of the ePortfolio process and how you can incorporate these assessment strategies and ideas.
JISC Infonet. 2009. E-Portfolios:Learning Processes. Retrieved from http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/e-portfolios/processes on 5/30/2011.