Correct Keyboarding Technique

Using correct keyboarding techniques will help you learn to type with greater speed and accuracy. It will also help you prevent strain in your hands, arms, shoulders, and neck.

Look through this list of techniques and choose the ones that aren't yet habits for you. Make a goal to improve in those areas in particular whenever you work at your computer.
  1. Keep your eyes on the copy or screen.
  2. Remember to keep your fingers curved and oriented to the home row.
  3. Keep your forearms parallel to the slant of the keyboard.
  4. Use the correct fingers for each keystroke.
  5. Keep your wrists low, but not resting on the desk.
  6. Remember to use proper sitting posture with your body centered, feet providing balance, and elbows naturally at your sides.
Last modified: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 6:13 PM