Computer Technology
In this class, we will be learning about all things computer! E-Portfolios, Computer Basics, Word Processing, Software, Slideshows, Screencasting, the Internet, Browsers, Spreadsheets, Voicethreads, Emails, and Ethics are just some topics that we will touch on. This class will give you solid computer skills that will be helpful to you for years to come. I am excited to be your teacher - I love computers and I want to share the love!

Office Hours
Monday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Tuesday: 11 AM - 1 PM and 7 PM - 9 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Thursday: 11 AM - 1 PM and 7 PM - 9 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 2 PM

During office hours, I am available through skype, google chat, texting, email, and cell phone. Contact me during this time for assistance with lessons or assignments, questions, and cool stuff you want to show me.

Outside of office hours, I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. Feel free to call, text, email, skype, or google chat me any time during the day. I'll get back to you as soon as possible if you have to leave me a message.

Contact Info

Ashley Webb
  • Email:
  • Phone: 801-549-7112
  • Text: 801-549-7112
  • Google Talk ID:
  • Twitter: awebbOHSU
  • Skype: awebbOHSU
Materials Needed
Since this is a computer course, everything will be on the computer! You will absolutely need your laptop, a webcam, and a microphone.

Because all assignments and lessons will involve the computer, I would recommend getting a USB (or wireless) mouse so that you don't have to use your laptop touchpad. Using a mouse is more convenient and will allow you to complete your assignments more efficiently.

Computer Technology is an elective course and will only have around 2-3 graded assignments a week. The course is organized weekly, with most assignments being assigned on Monday and due the following Monday before 10 AM. Plan for about 4-5 hours a week for lessons and assignments.

At the beginning of every week, you will be required to read an intro to the week and print a checklist of things that you are supposed to do that week. If you keep up with the checklist every week, you will do fine in class.

Communication is very important with me. If you are struggling to turn in assignments, I can work with you on late assignments. However, the time to contact me regarding assignments being late is before they are due, not after. Things are DUE on their due dates and extensions will be given at instructor discretion.

After an assignment is late, you can still turn it in any time throughout the rest of the semester for 50% credit.

There will be quizzes about every 2 weeks covering the previous 2 weeks material. The quizzes will be made available as the content is made available. Reviewing class assignments and reading class material will help students when preparing for quizzes. All material for quizzes will be taken from class reading assignments and other class material.

The final exam with be cumulative.

Grades will be calculated as a percentage based on points and the following weighted categories:
  • 55% Assignments
  • 25% Quizzes
  • 20% Final Exam

Grade Distribution
97% or above C+
93 -96% C

59% and under

Mastery Threshold is 70%.

Extra Credit
There will be extra credit opportunities available.
Last modified: Friday, August 13, 2010, 2:46 PM