Welcome to the SAISD Moodle online learning environment!

This course is designed to facilitate the development of application knowledge and skills and evaluatory schema of middle school students enrolled in the Tech Apps course. It is intended for students to touch, manipulate, learn, and grow with technology on a daily basis.

Rest assured that this course meets all the standards for TEKS and NET-S. It should also increase the likelihood of student success for the NCLB Technology Skills Assessment for middle schoolers which requires them to evaluate and problem-solve situations and products.

Since we are fostering the now-native adaptability of our students to technology, please build your students' awareness of 24/7/365 opportunities for learning, revision, and skill building with online coursework.

We hope that you will begin each class period with a focus on the course progression in each unit of the course, mini-teach as needed, and then step back and let the magic happen as your students work their way through project-based learning.

Your Instructional Technology Team
Last modified: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 4:16 PM