Bookmarking Tools
When you bookmark a website or save it in your favorites, it's only accessible from the computer & browser you used to bookmark it. Tools such as Diigo and Delicious, however, enable you to save your bookmarks online and access them from any device with internet. These tools also make it easier to share online resources with others. Both are free and take only a few minutes to sign-up and a few more minutes to install the browser add-on needed to bookmark. Take a look at the information below, and the head over to the task page to learn how to create an account.
Diigo not only saves your bookmarks online, making them available from any computer or device with internet, but it also saves your digital highlights and notes. Diigo even has a free classroom version that enables teachers to share bookmarks with students. Watch the video below for more about Diigo.
Delicious started the social bookmarking craze, and it reamains a simple, yet useful tool for people who just want to save their bookmarks online.
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