Put It All Together

Time to make that shabby course page super swanky!  By making the course page appear more like a Webpage, you are creating a more effective interface for students (and avoiding that scroll of death)!

1.  Add a Table:  Before adding content to your resource or activity, try adding a table.  A table will allow you to keep your content organized, aligned, and you can change table and cell backgrounds for added visual interest. This is especially helpful for pictures with text.

2. Upload an Image or Video:  Images and videos are almost necessary when presenting information and instruction.  Choose images and videos that enhance learning rather than clutter the page.  Larger videos will take time for students to download.

3. Link to a Website or File: Links to websites are valuable tools for students to show them where to find additional information, conduct research, see examples, practice skills, and more.  Linking to a file is easy and prevents a long list of resources on the main course page. The links to Moodle resources and activities, however, are the essence of making a Moodle course function as a website.

4. Embed Embedding files will prevent the user from having to download what can be a potentially large files.  Embedded files are hosted elsewhere. Be sure any site embedded into your course is not blocked for students.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 8:02 PM