Course Completion and CEUs

Final Details

Only two things left to do! To wrap up the course, there are two things left to do.

Check that you've completed the course. To do so, click on the link below and make sure that everything in the list is checked off. NOTE: It can take up to 15 minutes for activities to update on the list, so if you know you've completed something just a few minutes ago, go have a coffee and come back and check again. You can also check course completion by checking the Course Completion box on the right side of the main page of the course. Once you've confirmed that you've completed everything in the course, go on to the next step.

First: Check your Course Completion Status

If you've completed all the requirements of the course, then click on the link below to access and save/print your CEU certificate. This page will not unlock if you haven't completed the course activities, so you if get a response that you can't access the CUE page, then recheck your Course Completion Status above.

Second: Access Your CEU Certificate

That's it! You're finished! Thanks for taking the course!

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Last modified: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 5:18 PM