Topic Name Description
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The focus of this unit is on student centered learning. It is designed to include direct instruction, skill practice, and a variety of learning activites for the classroom, school store, and on line.

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For this unit you will work independently, in a team,and book study group to complete five "Think Like and Entrepreneur" activities. Each assignment is worth points and will be used to assess your learning. 

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Step 1: What do Entrepreneurs do for our economy? URL Sketchbook Video-"Three Things"

Watch clip the first time, listen for three key words that describe entrepreneurs.

Watch the clip again and take notes to use to help formulate your definition of an entrepreneur.

Then edit the class definition of an entrepreneur.

Step 2: Rate the Trait of Entrepreneurs File Rate the Trait: Twice! Activity

Rate the Trait: Twice! Activity

Step 3: Book Study: "Who Owns the Ice House?" File Concept Map

Fill in this Concept Map based on the assigned readings

Step 4: TEDTalks for Entrepreneurs File TEDTalks for Entrepreneurs Handout

Use the attached handout to select clips to watch.

URL Watch TED talks for Entrepreneurs
Step 5: Textbook Readings File Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership

As your read textbook sections on Retail Ownership and Entrepreneurial Concepts fill in the handout titled: Advantages and Disadvantages of Types of Business Ownership.