Your learning diary

JournalYour learning diary (or 'journal for reflection') is an area you can write brief comments on what you learn as you complete each topic.

Or it could be how you feel about your progress.

If you have tutor support for this course, only you and your course facilitator(s) can read your comments.
It can help a tutor understand your experience (and maybe comment directly with you on it).

If you are studying this course by self-study, the reflective journal is still very useful - as it encourages you to think back about your experiences.

DateIt is very useful for you to look back at your learning diary as you progress through the course.

You should add comments to your learning diary as you finish each topic.
But you can add to your learning diary anytime you wish smile
(We recommend maybe each time you complete a main Topic).
Completing your learning diary should help you learn material more effectively!
So why not try it now, click on the 'Edit my submission' button below and make a brief entry thoughtful
It's useful if you add the date each time you make an entry.
After you have completed your entry you will return here.

To return to the course home page click on Concepts of ICT in the navigation bar above.