Assigment: createTable4
create a php file named testCreateTable4.php that defines a function named create createTable4 that expects 4 values as arguments.
It should return a string composed of the html tags and content of a one row table with 4 cells across.
each of the four values in the arguments should be displayed in the 4 cells
After the function is declared, write two tests of it:
echo createTable4("one","two","three","four");
echo createTable4(100,200,300,400);
This should output something that looks like this:
Note that the output above has uses <table><tr>and <td> tags here appropriate.
submit a link to your published file here when done.
It should return a string composed of the html tags and content of a one row table with 4 cells across.
each of the four values in the arguments should be displayed in the 4 cells
After the function is declared, write two tests of it:
echo createTable4("one","two","three","four");
echo createTable4(100,200,300,400);
This should output something that looks like this:
one | two | three | four |
100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
Note that the output above has uses <table><tr>and <td> tags here appropriate.
submit a link to your published file here when done.