3.1.1 What CAN you make?

In the section, you will learn about electronic design.

No matter what you use, your ability to imagine, your creativity, will lead you in exciting directions and creations.

What CAN you create? Let's start with "cans" and a couple of guidelines.

  • For visual designs, such as posters and Powerpoints, you will always need to think big and think visual. Be it a poster or a Powerpoint, the design should be more visual than text.
  • For print design, always think less, less, less, and more, more, more. Can you put fewer details and more visuals? Can you lead the eye from one place to another on the page? Tell what is needed and eliminate the rest.
  • ALL good designs will somehow tell a story or touch an emotion. Designs like this will always be remembered.
Stop! Take a minute to watch the "tell a story" link above.


Grab a can or something else round, like a quarter or a nickel. Trace around it on paper 3 times on a blank piece of a paper. What could it be? Add to it to make it something...you only have 25 seconds!

Now, go into Microsoft Word and recreate your CAN drawing using the drawing tools at the bottom. Use this link if you need help with the drawing tools.

Upload a copy of your finished CAN drawing here.