Activity 1 - Mapping ePortfolio artifacts to objectives and/or standards
Tasks for Unit 2
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Reflect | Evaluate
Activity 1 - Mapping ePortfolio artifacts course objectives/standards
To begin using ePortfolios for either a course or program, it is important to map the products that students create—i.e., ePortfolio artifacts—to specific objectives and/or standards.
Course or objectives describe what knowledge, skills, or attitudes that you want students to show they have mastered. By assigning projects that align directly with these objectives, students know what is expected and instructors know what to evaluate. When mapping artifacts to the objectives it is also important to think about the level of competency required. For example creating a research paper on How To do a task is is a lower level of competence than asking that same student to demonstrate that he or she has actually done it. Reflective statements allow students to describe how they feel when performing the skill.
State or national standards often predetermine what skills and knowledge students need to show. You can still be creative with how students use an ePortfolio to demonstrate their competencies. You can also add components that the standards often do not require, such as reflective statements, leadership skills, and community-based activities.
Task 1 - Users will create a concept map of with a minimum of 3 artifacts
Below are a few websites that allow you to create mind/concept maps. You will need to choose 1 of the sites to develop your map. Your finished product will become an artifact on your ePortfolio site.
You must have included in your map
- Overall goal or outcome of your course
- Learning objectives
- State or National Standards. (Be sure to look at ISTE student standards if your subject area does not have specific state/national standards)
- Activity (summarize)
- The digital artifacts expected that students will create to demonstrates evidence of understanding (ie, paper, podcast, presentation, video, ect)
- Be sure to include a place holder for the students reflective writing about specific artifacts or activities, or a description of how a group of artifacts or activities relate to a course, objective or standard.