Unit 2 - Discussion
Tasks for Unit 2
Read | Discuss | Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Reflect | Evaluate
Unit 2: Discussion Forum
It is important' as educators' that you think about what artifacts or "evidence of learning" your students will need to indicate that a student has learned or mastered your courses objectives or standards.
Answer 2 of the 3 questions (bullets) below:
- Give a specific sample/example of current lesson plan/project/activity, that would best match your course objectives. Does any tweaking have to happen before it is artifact ready? Explain.
- How do you envision the student's e-Portfolio will be organized? Will you set up the requirements or will students be able to decide on how it is structured?
- How will you help motivate your students in e-Portfolio development? How is this similar or different to current classroom activities?
After submitting your post - you are to respond to 2 other posts.
Click "Add a new discussion topic" to begin (below).
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