Create A Bubble Map and Office Plan For Your New Workplace

Bubble diagrams are used to define spaceswithin the office. Each space will receive specific attention during the office design process. These spaces are established to achieve the businesses desired work practices. Spaces are frequently defined by the function that will take place in them e.g. ‘quite zone’,’breakout areas’. Several bubble diagrams are usually completed before the most appropriate one is selected.

Click here to view examples of bubble diagrams

1. Refer to the results from your analysis of your “flexible work practices survey” and draw a bubble diagram to illustrate the types of spaces that will be included in your office environment to meet the identified needs of office staff for flexible work practices.

2. Transfer these spaces to your office plan (click here to download a copy of the office plan) to illustrate the location, size and distribution of your spaces.

3. Complete your plan by adding furniture to illustrate the location of office staff and office enhancements.

4. Upload your Bubble map and office plan to this Moodle for marking