Philosophical Aspects of Cultural Difference

As we examine the philosophical aspects of cultural differences, we'll use this handy chart that shows how the four main branches are represented differently depending on your dominant culture. Before watching the video below on axiology, print out or store a copy of this chart in a place where you can see it while watching the video.

4 Philosophical Aspects of Cultural Difference

As you listen to the video, think about times in your classrooms where cultural differences played a role as connected to values.

Reflection Activity

Thinking back on your practices as a teacher, from an axiology standpoint, where do you see yourself placing the most value? Is it a member-to-object emphasis? Do you place value on the relationship aspect?

How might you move outside of your comfort zone to honor the values of the students you serve?

Consider your answers to the above, then submit a paragraph or two with your answers.

When you are ready to submit:

Click on "Add Submission" below.

Type up your answer in the text box.

Click on "Save Changes"

When you've completed and submitted your activity, move on to the next section, on logic.

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